Application reference#

Makefiles: Top-level | Instance | Master

Inheritance: Project → SharedBundle → Application

An application is a program that has its own .app bundle with its own resources,

Creating an application#


The list of all applications in this GNUmakefile.

include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make

APP_NAME = <Your tool name here>

include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/application.make

Application properties#

Application also inherits Project properties.


This is the directory where the app gets installed. If you don’t specify a directory it will get installed in the GNUstep Local Root (by default /usr/GNUstep/Local on Unix-like systems). The tool executable will get installed in $(gnustep-config --variable=GNUSTEP_LOCAL_APPS) (typically root/Applications).


If this variable is yes, then GNUstep Make will build a resource bundle for the tool, and install it. You can then add resources to the tool with the usual xxx_RESOURCE_FILES, xxx_LOCALIZED_RESOURCE_FILES, xxx_LANGUAGES, etc – see (Resource Set Reference)[../ResourceSet/]. xxx will be the same as the name of the tool.

The tool resource bundle (and all resources inside it) can be accessed at runtime very comfortably, by using gnustep-base’s [NSBundle mainBundle] (exactly as you would do for an application).

Global configuration variables#


This is the directory where the tool gets installed. If you don’t specify a directory it will get installed in the GNUstep Local Root (by default /usr/GNUstep/Local on Unix-like systems). The tool executable will get installed in root/Tools.