Installing the GNUstep MSVC toolchain on Windows#

We call the native GNUstep toolchain for Windows the MSVC (Microsoft Visual C++) toolchain, as it uses the MSVC compiler for some projects, and uses native Windows APIs, instead of a POSIX compatibility layer like MinGW. It also produces native Windows binaries.

Clang is used for compiling Objective-C code.

1 Prerequisites#

First we need to install LLVM, to get the clang frontend, and lld. We will be using Chocolatey to install it, but you can also install it manually using the official installer.

In a Administrator Shell (either CMD or Powershell), run the following command:

choco install llvm

2 Installing from a prebuilt release#

We provide prebuilt releases of the toolchain, which you can download from the releases page on GitHub. Select the latest release, and download artefact if you are on a x86_64 system.

Extract the zip file to a directory of your choice. We will use C:\GNUstep in this guide, as it is also the default installation directory of the build script.

You can now use the toolchain, and start building your own projects.

3 Structure of the toolchain directory#

If you are familiar with the standard filesystem structure on UNIX-based system, you will find some similarities here. C:\GNUstep\x64 contains two directories: Debug and Release. The debug build contains debug symbols (.pdb files for dlls).

$ ls GNUstep/x64/Debug
bin  etc  include  lib  share

The bin directory contains binaries, and dlls (objc.dll, gnustep-base-1_28.dll, etc).

$ ls GNUstep/x64/Debug/bin
HTMLLinker.exe  defaults.exe  gnustep-base-1_28.dll   gnustep-corebase-0.pdb  icuin72.dll  libffi-8.dll  make_strings.exe  opentool     plget.exe    plutil.exe
autogsdoc.exe   dispatch.dll  gnustep-base-1_28.pdb   gnustep-tests           icuio72.dll  libffi-8.pdb  objc.dll          pl.exe       plmerge.exe  sfparse.exe
cvtenc.exe      dispatch.pdb  gnustep-config          gspath.exe              icutu72.dll  libiconv.dll  objc.pdb          pl2link.exe  plparse.exe  xmlparse.exe
debugapp        gdnc.exe      gnustep-corebase-0.dll  icudt72.dll             icuuc72.dll  libiconv.pdb  openapp           pldes.exe    plser.exe

The lib directory contains static libraries (.lib files).

$ ls GNUstep/x64/Debug/lib
GNUstep  dispatch.lib  exslt.lib  ffi.lib  gnustep-base.lib  gnustep-corebase.lib  iconv.lib  icudt.lib  icuin.lib  icuio.lib  icutest.lib  icutu.lib  icuuc.lib  objc.lib  pkgconfig  xml2.lib  xslt.lib

The include directory contains the headers for the libraries (you will recognise the Foundation subdirectory containing the header files). The share directory contains the GNUstep configuration files.