
GSWeb: Class GSWStatisticsStore


Manuel Guesdon (mguesdon@orange-concept.com)

Version: 1.5

Date: 2003/11/24 10:18:37

Copyright: (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Contents -

  1. Software documentation for the GSWStatisticsStore class
  2. Software documentation for the GSWStatisticsStore(GSWStatisticsStoreA) category
  3. Software documentation for the GSWStatisticsStore(GSWStatisticsStoreB) category
  4. Software documentation for the GSWStatisticsStore(GSWStatisticsStoreC) category
  5. Software documentation for the GSWStatisticsStore(GSWStatisticsStoreD) category
  6. Software documentation for the GSWStatisticsStore(GSWStatisticsStoreE) category
  7. Software documentation for the GSWStatisticsStore(GSWStatisticsStoreF) category
  8. Software documentation for the GSWStatisticsStore(GSWStatisticsStoreG) category
  9. Software documentation for the GSWStatisticsStore(GSWStatisticsStoreH) category

Software documentation for the GSWStatisticsStore class

GSWStatisticsStore : NSObject

Declared in:
Conforms to:

Description forthcoming.

Instance Variables

Method summary


- (void) dealloc;

Description forthcoming.


- (void) lock;

Description forthcoming.


- (int) sessionMovingAverageSampleSize;

Description forthcoming.


- (void) setSessionMovingAverageSampleSize: (int)aSize;

Description forthcoming.


- (void) setTransactionMovingAverageSampleSize: (int)aSize;

Description forthcoming.


- (id) statistics;

Description forthcoming.


- (int) transactionMovingAverageSampleSize;

Description forthcoming.


- (void) unlock;

Description forthcoming.

Instance Variables for GSWStatisticsStore Class


@protected float _averageRequestsPerSession;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSTimeInterval _averageSessionLife;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected int _componentActionTransactionsCount;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSString* _currentPage;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSMutableDictionary* _directActionStatistics;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected int _directActionTransactionsCount;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSDictionary* _initializationMemory;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSTimeInterval _lastDidHandleRequestTimeInterval;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSArray* _lastSessionStatistics;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSDate* _lastStatsDate;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected int _lastStatsSessionsCount;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected int _lastStatsTransactionsCount;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSTimeInterval _lastWillHandleRequestTimeInterval;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSDate* _logCreationDate;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSString* _logPath;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSTimeInterval _logRotation;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected int _maxActiveSessionsCount;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSDate* _maxActiveSessionsDate;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected float _movingAverageRequestsPerSession;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSTimeInterval _movingAverageSessionLife;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected int _movingAverageSessionsCount;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected int _movingAverageTransactionsCount;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSTimeInterval _movingIdleTimeInterval;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSTimeInterval _movingTransactionTimeInterval;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSMutableDictionary* _pagesStatistics;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSString* _password;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSMutableDictionary* _pathsStatistics;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSRecursiveLock* _selfLock;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected int _selfLockn;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected int _sessionMovingAverageSampleCount;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected int _sessionsCount;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSDate* _startDate;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSTimeInterval _totalCATransactionTimeInterval;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSTimeInterval _totalDATransactionTimeInterval;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSTimeInterval _totalIdleTimeInterval;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSTimeInterval _totalTransactionTimeInterval;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSTimeInterval _totalWSTransactionTimeInterval;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected int _transactionMovingAverageSampleCount;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected int _transactionsCount;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSMutableDictionary* _webServiceStatistics;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected int _webServiceTransactionsCount;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.

Software documentation for the GSWStatisticsStore(GSWStatisticsStoreA) category


Declared in:

Description forthcoming.

Method summary


- (void) _applicationCreatedSession: (GSWSession*)session;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (void) _purgePathsStatistics;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (void) _sessionTerminating: (GSWSession*)session;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (void) _updatePathsStatisticsWithPaths: (id)paths;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (void) applicationDidHandleComponentActionRequestWithPageNamed: (NSString*)pageName;

Description forthcoming.


- (void) applicationDidHandleDirectActionRequestWithActionNamed: (NSString*)actionName;

Description forthcoming.


- (void) applicationDidHandleWebServiceRequestWithActionNamed: (NSString*)actionName;

Description forthcoming.


- (void) applicationWillHandleComponentActionRequest;

Description forthcoming.


- (void) applicationWillHandleDirectActionRequest;

Description forthcoming.


- (void) applicationWillHandleWebServiceRequest;

Description forthcoming.


- (void) sessionTerminating: (GSWSession*)session;

Description forthcoming.

Software documentation for the GSWStatisticsStore(GSWStatisticsStoreB) category


Declared in:

Description forthcoming.

Method summary

descriptionForResponse: inContext: 

- (NSString*) descriptionForResponse: (GSWResponse*)aResponse inContext: (GSWContext*)aContext;

Description forthcoming.

recordStatisticsForResponse: inContext: 

- (void) recordStatisticsForResponse: (GSWResponse*)aResponse inContext: (GSWContext*)aContext;

Description forthcoming.

Software documentation for the GSWStatisticsStore(GSWStatisticsStoreC) category


Declared in:

Description forthcoming.

Method summary

formatDescription: forResponse: inContext: 

+ (NSString*) formatDescription: (NSString*)description forResponse: (GSWResponse*)aResponse inContext: (GSWContext*)aContext;

Description forthcoming.


- (NSString*) logFile;

Description forthcoming.


- (NSTimeInterval) logFileRotationFrequencyInDays;

Description forthcoming.


- (void) logString: (id)string;

Description forthcoming.

setLogFile: rotationFrequencyInDays: 

- (void) setLogFile: (NSString*)logFile rotationFrequencyInDays: (NSTimeInterval)rotationFrequency;

Description forthcoming.

Software documentation for the GSWStatisticsStore(GSWStatisticsStoreD) category


Declared in:

Description forthcoming.

Method summary


- (NSTimeInterval) _averageCATransactionTime;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (NSTimeInterval) _averageDATransactionTime;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (NSTimeInterval) _averageIdleTime;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (float) _averageRequestsPerSession;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (NSTimeInterval) _averageSessionLife;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (id) _averageSessionMemory;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (NSTimeInterval) _averageTransactionTime;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (int) _componentActionTransactionsCount;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (int) _directActionTransactionsCount;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (id) _lastSessionStatistics;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (int) _maxActiveSessionsCount;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (NSDate*) _maxActiveSessionsDate;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (NSDictionary*) _memoryUsage;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (NSTimeInterval) _movingAverageIdleTime;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (float) _movingAverageRequestsPerSession;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (NSTimeInterval) _movingAverageSessionLife;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (NSTimeInterval) _movingAverageTransactionTime;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (NSDictionary*) _pagesStatistics;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (NSString*) _password;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (NSDictionary*) _pathsStatistics;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (int) _sessionsCount;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (int) _transactionsCount;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.

Software documentation for the GSWStatisticsStore(GSWStatisticsStoreE) category


Declared in:

Description forthcoming.

Method summary


- (void) setPassword: (NSString*)password;

Description forthcoming.

validateLogin: forSession: 

- (BOOL) validateLogin: (id)login forSession: (id)session;

Description forthcoming.

Software documentation for the GSWStatisticsStore(GSWStatisticsStoreF) category


Declared in:

Description forthcoming.

Method summary


- (BOOL) validateLogin: (id)login;

Description forthcoming.

Software documentation for the GSWStatisticsStore(GSWStatisticsStoreG) category


Declared in:

Description forthcoming.

Method summary


- (void) _validateAPI;

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.

Software documentation for the GSWStatisticsStore(GSWStatisticsStoreH) category


Declared in:

Description forthcoming.

Method summary


+ (id) timeIntervalDescription: (NSTimeInterval)timeInterval;

Description forthcoming.
