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WebServices - published: 14 Jun 2010

Easy web services and XML support in Objective-C - by Richard Frith-Macdonald

Initially a collection of classes for making and/or parsing XMLRPC and SOAP requests based on WSDL. This provides a framework for implementing web services including basic support for parsing/editing web service definitions (WSDL), and for automatically generating SOAP requests on the basis of parsed WSDL.

The WebServices library is not just for WSDL!

In fact I've found that I have been using the library for XML parsing and generation generally.
This is because the GWSCoder/GWSElement class combination from the WebServices library appears to be easier to use for general XML work than any other API available.

GNUstep-base (and the base additions library for OSX) have provided a fully featured wrapper round libxml2 for many years, and more recently Apple have added their own wrapper round libxml2 to Foundation. However, both of these APIs are much more heavyweight than GWSElement, and the extra complexity is unnecessary in almost all applications. It turns out that for general XML work GWSElement is a quicker and easier to use API than the alternatives.

Operating SystemAny
Price (US$)0.00 US$  This is informative and approximate only. Not an offer. No liability for inaccuracies.
Category Framework
Released11 Jun 2010
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